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british isles map

page updated 30 mar 2022

Alnwick Castle banner 2

the Appleby one-name study and DNA project

the Appleby one-name study and DNA project

Surnames covered in our DNA project:



plus any other variants

guild logo


ftDNA logo

The current banner shows Alnwick Castle, in Northumberland - a county in the far north east of England, bordering Scotland.  This region is home to a number of Appleby lines - and our DNA project has confirmed genetic connections between several of these, which also match lines in Canada, USA and Ireland.

PLEASE NOTE: if you are viewing this site on an Apple device running IOS 13, you may experience problems with page layout, over-lapping text, etc.  Hopefully, Apple will resolve these issues very soon,

(Meanwhile, I suggest you switch to a PC!)

Name Index

The Master Name Index opens as a pdf file and includes the names of all individuals shown on the Family Trees included on this website to date. The list is sorted by surname (all Appleby variants are grouped together) then forename, and as well as known dates of birth and death, shows the name and line number of the Family Tree in which each individual appears.  Make a note of the details of your ancestor's Family Tree Name, Number and Region - you will need it to find their tree on the website!!

The list currently includes 8,360 individuals; the pdf is 89 pages long - so please do NOT attempt to print it!

The name index is updated each time a new tree is added to this website.


HINT!!  The Name index contains loads of individuals with the names William Appleby, Thomas Appleby, Elizabeth Appleby and so on (for example, there are over 360 'William Applebys'!) So, unless your Appleby ancestor has a distinctive set of forenames, or you know exactly what year they were born, it is usually MUCH easier to search for the name of a known spouse to find which tree your line belongs to.


But none of the trees (or the Name Index) include any individuals who are still alive or who were born in the past 100 years.  So you will need to undertake your own research to establish the names of your APPLEBY grandparents or great grandparents (or possibly even further back if you are very young!) in order to find their names on the Name Index!!

Index to Family Trees

To view the individual pages for the family trees, first click on one of the tabs in the top menu for the Region you are interested in, where you will find links to the home pages for each of the trees currently on the website, which hold more information, often with photos or maps, along with a link to a pdf family tree chart for the line. These Regional tabs will also have links to Resources for each Region (census entries and spreadsheets showing Appleby Births, Marriages and Deaths)


The Master Tree Index also includes details of all the as yet unpublished trees that are in the pipeline (some are just waiting for final details to be sent to me by the person who submitted the original information).  If you recognise any of these 'pending' trees as part of YOUR family, please do send me any additional information you hold so we can get these trees online. And we know that there are many more Appleby lines both in England and the rest of the world that I have never researched .... so the list of trees will NEVER be complete!


Even though I can no longer provide any help in researching new Appleby trees to add to this website, I do aim to complete researching the Appleby lines that are already listed among the 'lines in progress' and add them to this website when they are ready.  

CLICK HERE to view a pdf showing the latest list of all family trees included on this website: lines which are shaded with the colour of the Region are available in the section for that Region.  Lines which are unshaded are still 'in progress' - the list is sorted by Region and also indicates which lines have already had a yDNA test or Family Finder test carried out by a volunteer descended from the line.  The list includes a brief description of each line, so you may be able to recognise your own line of Applebys just from locations mentioned and common occupations found amongst members of the line.

British Isles map showing places for all trees

to view a Google map showing places in the British Isles and around the world, which are associated with all the Appleby/bee lines included on this website to date, click on the map above.  The Google map will open in a new window.

See where Applebys lived in the world!

Updated March 2020 - now 92 trees online!

Updated March 2020 - now 8,361 individuals

All the trees already online AND in the pipeline are numbered on the above list ... if you contact me about any of the trees on the list, PLEASE quote the name of the tree AND the line number so that I can easily find the paperwork for your line!


There are still a number of family trees waiting for a volunteer to come forward to take a YDNA test as part of this project.  If you would be interested in helping to discover how the different lines are linked, please read the information contained in the DNA section of this site, and then contact me to discover if you qualify for a subsidised test kit.


NB: to continue to offer subsidised kits, we badly need more donations to our General Fund!

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